AiroTEC, CMRU welcomes professors and students from theMaster of Science Program in Geosocial Based Sustainable
Development from Mae Jo University.

On July 19, 2024, Dr. Ratchaphon Samphutthanont, Director of the Asian Air Quality Operations Center by Space Technology, Geoinformatics & Environmental Engineering (AiroTEC), Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Assistant Professor Worawit Supawimut, Deputy Director of AiroTEC CMRU, Ms. Patcharin Somput, and Ms. Waneewalaya Supasa, members of the AiroTEC CMRU, warmly welcomed Assistant Professor Dr. Witchaphart Sungpalee and master’s students from the Program in Geosocial Based Sustainable Development from Mae Jo University as well as undergraduate students from the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Forestry) program, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Mae Jo University. The visit was an opportunity to listen to lectures, engage in knowledge exchange, and integrate data, tools, and knowledge together. The event took place at the University Council Meeting Room, Rajabhat Chalermprakiet Building, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Wiang Bua Campus.
Following the meeting, the visitors toured the research laboratory for ground-level air quality monitoring in Asia and observed the air quality monitoring equipment, Pandora Spectrometer, on the 15th-floor rooftop of the 90th Anniversary Building at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Wiang Bua Campus. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize students with the equipment, measurement methods, and data analysis techniques, helping them to develop practical skills, analytical thinking, and an understanding of various issues that will be beneficial in their future professional careers.

Photos and news by: Public Relations Team, AiroTEC Center, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University