Faculty members with students from University of Phayao visit AiroTEC Center

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, the University of Phayao, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Niti Lamchuen, led a group of teachers and students from the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. In this regard, the faculty and students had a visit, study tour, and fieldwork in subject 224351, Spatial Phenomenon Simulation at the Center for Space Technology, Geo-Informatics and Environmental Engineering for Good Air Quality Asia (AiroTEC), Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. In addition, the objective is to share, learn and listen to lectures on Innovative air quality measurement and PM 2.5 dust, adiDUST sensor, Pandora Spectrometer sensor, and GEMS satellite data


In this regard, we were honored by Dr. Ratchaphon Samphutthanon, Director of the Center for Public Health, Dr. Chayanon Sawasdeenaruenat, Deputy Director of the Center (Responsible for academic services, Collaborative network work, and foreign affairs), and Mr.Worawit Supavimuti, Deputy Director of the Center (Responsible for space technology, geospatial, instrumentation and Pandora data, GEMS satellite data), welcomed and visited the installation site of the air quality spectrometer system Pandora (Ground Based Remote Sensing), designed by NASA. There are only three installations in Thailand, namely Bangkok, Chiang Mai Province and Songkhla Province. To connect with GEMS sensors installed on the satellite GEO-KOMPSAT 2B will be able to monitor air quality covering areas in the ASEAN region. Under the project “Building the Pan-Asia Partnership for Geospatial Air Pollution information: PAPGAPi,” there is a network of partners organized by the National Environment Research Institute (NEIR), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States (NASA).


The Asian Air Quality Operations Center by Space Technology, Geo-informatics & Environmental Engineering, or AiroTEC, is under the supervision directly of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, which has a working group consisting of professors, researchers and personnel of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University who are proficient in their science and have a common interest in aeronautical work, both academic, research and academic services to the community.


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